Prefab Drawer v1.0 Manual

API Reference:

Prefab Drawer allows you to easily draw with prefabs to populate your levels and make them beautiful like never before. The tool has many settings to suit any need.

Main Window

To open the Prefab Drawer, locate the “Tools/NorthLab/Prefab Drawer” in the top menu of the Unity.

After that, you will be greeted with the small window with six different modules. Every module has its purpose and settings.


In this module you configure individual prefabs. Also there are settings for the positional offsets, random rotation, scale and surface filters. Keep in mind that you can override filters and offsets individually for every prefab.


This module contains settings for the brush.


This module controls the drawing process.

When drawing is enabled you will see the brush in the scene view.

Region Spawner

This module allows you to spawn prefabs within the specified area or on its perimeter.

Points displayed in the scene view

Difference between the area and perimeter spawning.


With this module you can control the density of objects in the parent object(It grabs the parent objects from the Drawing module). For example, you made a huge and dense forest but unfortunately you are now faced with a big performance hit because of it. With this module you can change the quantity of objects and disable or delete them if necessary without having to manually pick every object. Also disabling is random, so every time you press “Disable” it will randomly choose which objects to disable to satisfy your needs. Neat isn't?


This module manages the presets. All presets located in the “Editor Default Resources” folder in the project (If this directory is not present, it will create it automatically). All presets have a *.drawerPreset format. Also Prefab Drawer will create an autosave preset when you close it.